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Grow Your Vision

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We have a variety of different shows specifically designed to entertain and delight those young of heart.


Each incursion is accompanied by a support document outlining the EYLF outcomes to aid in lesson-planning and QIP integration.


Below you will find information about 'Once Upon A Time', 'Pixie Patrol' , 'Magic & Marvels', 'Circus workshops', 'Bubble workshops' & Learning Outcomes.


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Features: Magic, puppetry and varied storytelling

Length: 30mins


  • Presented by a magician in-character as an old-timey storyteller

  • Reflects the childrens’ world using familiar tales 

  • Contextualises fantastical play within an interactive show

  • Extends the reality of the puppets and props through the childrens’ existing relationship with the story 

  • Explores morality and social dynamics 

  • Helping onstage builds communication skills 

  • Group participation (ie. Yelling out appropriately, dancing, chanting etc.) gives opportunity for exploring group dynamics

Once Upon a Time

Tell me more
about Pixie Patrol

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(Theatrical Magic Show –
Magical Creatures and Faeries)

Features: Magic, puppetry and character acting

Length: 30mins


  • Presented by a magician portraying a Victorian Adventurer

  • Embrace a reality where faeries and magical creatures live alongside us

  • Immersive world

  • Interactive play that extends beyond show-time

  • Tactile representations of magic creatures – see a baby dragon up-close!

  • Customised and rich prop aesthetic

  • Accompanying follow-up activities to further the childrens’ experience

  • Explore social skills as individual children assist on-stage

  • Full group participation in an interactive show

  • Boost self-esteem as the magic often happens at the hands of the children

  • Join Pixie Patrol and be a part of something magical!

Pixie Patrol

Features: Magic and crowd participation/on-stage assistants

Length: 30mins


  • Presented by a dynamic magician

  • STEM-focus - break the laws of physics with magic

  • Expand reasoning skills

  • Explore social skills as individual children assist on-stage

  • Full group participation in an interactive show

  • Boost self-esteem as the magic often happens at the hands of the children

  • Loads of fun!

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(Traditional Magic Show)

Magic & Marvels


Learn skills like balancing, spinning and throwing.


Features: Experienced circus instructor, kid-safe circus tools

Length: 45mins


  • Safe, fun and interactive workshop run by qualified and experienced instructor

  • Health and resilience focus

  • Build hand-eye coordination

  • Experience how to learn circus

  • Try new things with our variety of circus skills

  • Gain confidence through achieving age-appropriate goals

  • Lof physical activity!

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Circus Workshops


Everyone loves bubbles.  More than just a show, we bring the magic juice to allow everyone to blow big bubbles and even build sculptures on a plate.


Features: Experienced bubble performer/instructor, kid-safe bubble tools / non-toxic, hypoallergenic big-bubble juice

Length: 45mins


  • Safe, fun and interactive workshop run by qualified and experienced instructor

  • STEM focus

  • 1L original recipe non-toxic/hypoallergenic big bubble juice per child for use during

  • Tactile experience with hands-on activities for everyone

  • Build skills for future bubbling!

  • Learn to hand bubble, rope bubble and make mini bubble-sculptures

  • Presenter shows off their bubbling skill and educates on bubble-science

  • Lots of physical activity!

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Bubble Workshops
Lerning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Our learning experiences all dovetail perfectly with the five EYLF to meet required outcomes of your childrens' program. 

By incorporating magical entertainment, circus or bubbles within the framework of the five EYLF frameworks (Belonging, Being, Becoming, Learning, and Communication), preschool educators can create engaging and holistic learning experiences that promote children's sense of identity, well-being, and active participation in their learning journey.


Along with our current WWC and public liability documents, your booking confirmation will be accompanied by a document addressing the EYLF within our programs for you to easily plug in to your education outcomes documentation. 

"Take Chance
Make Mistakes
Get Messy."
- Ms. Frizzle

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